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Várak : Dungeon


Kyra  2005.02.13. 15:16

A várhoz tartoró harcosok leírása(angolul)

Troglodyte Health: 5 Attack: 4 Shots: none Movement: ground Base pop: 14
Cost: 50 gold Hex size: 1 Defence: 3 Damage: 1-3 Speed: 4 (extra slow) Max pop: 35
Special: immune to blind spell.
Average level 1 creature. Strongly affected by bless and curse.
Infernal Troglodyte
Infernal Troglodyte Health: 6 Attack: 5 Shots: none Movement: ground Base pop: 14
Cost: 65 gold Hex size: 1 Defence: 4 Damage: 1-3 Speed: 5 (slow) Max pop: 35
Special: immune to blind spell.
Upgrade is expensive but quite reasonable. Damage range is still huge.
Harpy Health: 14 Attack: 6 Shots: none Movement: flying Base pop: 8
Cost: 130 gold Hex size: 1 Defence: 5 Damage: 1-4 Speed: 6 (swift) Max pop: 16
Special: return to the hex they started from after an attack.
Quite a weak creature with huge damage range (bless and curse do well), but the abbility is very unique, not very useful before the upgrade though. Once enemy stack has used up their retaliation, it's harpy time! ;)
Harpy Hag
Harpy Hag Health: 14 Attack: 6 Shots: none Movement: flying Base pop: 8
Cost: 170 gold Hex size: 1 Defence: 6 Damage: 1-4 Speed: 9 (ultra swift) Max pop: 16
Special: return to the hex they started from after an attack, no enemy retaliation.
Great upgrade. Now you can annoy your enemies from 9 hexes away, like from the other side of castle walls without loosing any harpy hags. Take note that both harpies and harpy hags retreat back when attacking shooters, so sometimes it's better to move close without attacking to prevent the more powerful range attacks.
Beholder Health: 22 Attack: 9 Shots: 12 Movement: ground Base pop: 7
Cost: 250 gold Hex size: 1 Defence: 7 Damage: 3-5 Speed: 5 (slow) Max pop: 14
Special: no hand-to-hand penalty.
Good shooter, plenty of hit points and no fear of close combat.
Evil Eye
Evil Eye Health: 22 Attack: 10 Shots: 24 Movement: ground Base pop: 7
Cost: 280 gold Hex size: 1 Defence: 8 Damage: 3-5 Speed: 7 (extra swift) Max pop: 14
Special: no hand-to-hand penalty.
Little all-around upgrade. Evil eyes make a good shooter unit and they don't die as quick as most low level shooters.
Medusa Health: 25 Attack: 9 Shots: 4 Movement: ground Base pop: 4
Cost: 300 gold Hex size: 2 Defence: 9 Damage: 6-8 Speed: 5 (slow) Max pop: 8
Special: no hand-to-hand penalty, hand-to-hand attacks have 20% chance to turn enemies to stone: 3 rounds, take 50% damage, unstoned when attacked.
Very good creature, would be a better deal than beholder if had more than 4 shots... Keep an ammo cart handy and if your enemy has medusas, make sure it's the first machine you destroy. But when their shots run out, they still make great fighters with the stoning abbility, no match for basilisks though.
Medusa Queen
Medusa Queen Health: 30 Attack: 10 Shots: 8 Movement: ground Base pop: 4
Cost: 330 gold Hex size: 2 Defence: 10 Damage: 6-8 Speed: 6 (swift) Max pop: 8
Special: no hand-to-hand penalty, hand-to-hand attacks have 20% chance to turn enemies to stone: 3 rounds, take 50% damage, unstoned when attacked.
Definitely worth upgrading: double shots, extra health and other minor upgrades for only 30 gold. Medusa queens and evil eyes make a good shooting combo together, especially at such early levels.
Minotaur Health: 50 Attack: 14 Shots: none Movement: ground Base pop: 3
Cost: 500 gold Hex size: 1 Defence: 12 Damage: 12-20 Speed: 6 (swift) Max pop: 6
Special: minotaur's morale is never below 1.
Good level 5 fighter with a reasonable price. Minotaur's strategy is pretty simple: just go and smash, although a little blessing would be very useful. With the moral bonus, there's always a hope for a second turn.
Minotaur King
Minotaur King Health: 50 Attack: 15 Shots: none Movement: ground Base pop: 3
Cost: 575 gold Hex size: 1 Defence: 15 Damage: 12-20 Speed: 8 (very swift) Max pop: 6
Special: minotaur's morale is never below 1.
Good upgrade: 2 extra speed and much better defence rating. Smash strategy remains.
Manticore Health: 80 Attack: 15 Shots: none Movement: flying Base pop: 2
Cost: 850 gold Hex size: 2 Defence: 13 Damage: 14-20 Speed: 7 (extra swift) Max pop: 4
The only dungeon creature without a special abbility, manticores are below-average for level 6 and lack hit points.
Scorpicore Health: 80 Attack: 16 Shots: none Movement: flying Base pop: 2
Cost: 1050 gold Hex size: 2 Defence: 14 Damage: 14-20 Speed: 11 (quick) Max pop: 4
Special: 20% chance to paralyze: take 50% damage, unparalyzed after 3 rounds or when attacked.
Is there any actual difference between stoning and paralyzing? Hmmm... 200 gold for paralyzing, speed and 2 combat points... Scorpicores are a bit too expensive and 80 hit points is not enough - that's what happens when you breed a lion-bat-scorpion.
Red Dragon
Red Dragon Health: 180 Attack: 19 Shots: none Movement: flying Base pop: 1
Cost: 2500g+1s Hex size: 2 Defence: 19 Damage: 40-50 Speed: 11 (quick) Max pop: 2
Special: immune to spells level 1-3.
Stronger than green dragon, but otherways a dragon like any other.
Black Dragon
Black Dragon Health: 300 Attack: 25 Shots: none Movement: flying Base pop: 1
Cost: 4000g+2s Hex size: 2 Defence: 25 Damage: 40-50 Speed: 15 (super quick) Max pop: 2
Special: immune to all spells, 150% damage to giants and titans.
Little trick: titans do 150% damage to black dragons, but giants don't, so if you attack some giants, there's a definite bonus! Stronger than gold dragon, but not than archangel. Great for armageddon casters. Black dragons are terror of those heroes who have chosen magic over might, although there is one artifact that can break black dragon's spell immunity.


Elfelejtettem a jelszót
Keresés a honlapon

Készül ennek a honlapnak az utódja, ami már nem gportalos lesz. Amit eddig sikerült megcsinálnom, azt feltöltöttem, és itt megtekinthetitek. Folyamatosan frissítem!

Mindenkit szeretettel vár a Wicca suli, akit érdekel ez a vallás, és az ezoterika.

Akit érdekel a suli az itt jelentkezhet a "Diák szeretnék lenni!" topicban.
Katt! ;o)

Boldog névnapot!

lunar phases
Indulás: 2004-06-08

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